Tag: Family
Run Thrillingly, but Predictably, Examines Love and Its Complications

Nothing is stronger than the bond between mother and child, with the love of a matriarch being perhaps the most pure of all the types of love that exist. While a mother’s love is irreplaceable, at times, her…
Read More »Middleburg Film Festival: Minari Teaches Appreciation of Both Our Elders and the American Dream

Immigrants and their stories and role within American society have been hot topics over the past four-plus years. Are they taking jobs away from Americans in need? Are they a misunderstood and neglected key demographic for the future…
Read More »Hillbilly Elegy Portrays the Reality of Generational Curses, Not “Hillbillies” Themselves

None of us may choose the circumstances into which we are born or whom our parents responsible for raising us into well adjusted adults may be. With any luck, we find ourselves under the care of two somewhat…
Read More »The Devil All The Time Explores the Corrupting Side of Religion

Religion has long stood at the center of American life and culture, for better or worse depending on who you ask. For many individuals, religion has saved their lives and given them purpose. Once religion becomes intertwined with…
Read More »Made in Italy, Made Before

Grief can be a funny thing. Often times, those who carry it can appear normal on the outside, going about life as if nothing’s wrong. But just beneath the surface, the inability to move past trauma can have…
Read More »The Truth is I’m Largely Disappointed

Perspective is a tricky thing, from one vantage point, an image or a memory is recalled to be one way while another person looking at the same image or looking back at the same moment, will have an…
Read More »Miss Juneteenth and Dreams Deferred

“Sometimes we women take it on ourselves, don’t we?” Much has been made about the role black American women play within our society over the past four years. “Listen to black women“, “Black women save America from itself”…
Read More »Uncorked Tells an Authentic Tale of Black Dreamers

They say that dreamers inherit the Earth. That their visionary spirits determine all of our futures and creates worlds for us that we didn’t know were possible. But the journey to that glorious tomorrow is often paved through…
Read More »Last Call Provides Much to See and Much to Think About

Connection is one of the most important facets of human existence. Knowing that we aren’t alone can be enough to lift a person out of the void and into a space where they can flourish. Often times, that…
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Pieces of a Woman Examines Grief and All Its Facets
Losing a child is one of the most gut-wrenching experiences that can ever befall a person. Major depression, suicide, health problems, and marital disruption all become risk factors for parents experiencing loss, particularly during the first year immediately…
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