Tag: Blockbuster
Dune Entertains in the Present While Simultaneously Setting Up a Glorious Future

Dune is a legendary science fiction novel that is almost equally legendary in cinematic circles for being nearly impossible to adapt for the big screen. There have been attempts of varying levels of misstep from legends of the…
Read More »In Mortal Kombat, the Spirit of the B Movie Lives On

What is the purpose of filmmaking, of going to a dark room miles away from our homes and sitting with strangers staring at a big screen for hours on end? For some, cinema’s raison d’être is to inform…
Read More »Zack Snyder’s Justice League: A Peek at What Was and What Could Have Been

The circumstances surrounding the saga of director Zack Snyder’s fabled cut of 2017’s Justice League are unprecedented in Hollywood history. After experiencing the tragedy of losing a child, Snyder opted to leave to tend to his family after…
Read More »Tenet Reveals the Flaws in Christopher Nolan’s Filmmaking Style

Tenet already had many eyes upon its release, being the latest entry from legendary director Christopher Nolan and a big summer blockbuster. But as we are all aware, 2020 has been the year of curveballs and one was…
Read More »Birds of Prey Uses Visual Flair and Great Performance to Deliver a Fun Time at the Movies

Breaking up is hard to do. After leaving a long-term relationship, forging a new identity separate and apart from a former partner can be daunting and tough to manage. For women, social constructs that often say her worth…
Read More »The Rise of Skywalker Attempts to Use the Past to Make Us Forget the Past

“Always two there are; a master and an apprentice.” This established rule of the Sith order powered the dark side Force users for millennia until they destroyed both the Jedi order and the New Republic, taking over the…
Read More »I Went to Watch The Lion King and Left Questioning the Future of Cinema

Following the successes of their live action adaptations of Cinderella and The Jungle Book, Walt Disney Studios mined deep into its vaults to embark upon converting much of its classic animated catalogue into live action, or visually upgraded…
Read More »Dark Phoenix, Trauma, and the Importance of Family

It is our experiences and environment that help mold who we are. If our pasts are painful and full of strife, we often carry that forward with us our entire lives, complicating our growth and clouding any path…
Read More »With Captain Marvel, Marvel Studios Continues Its Lack of Respect For Its Audience

Captain Marvel features Vers (Brie Larson), a young Kree warrior-hero who, along with her mentor and team leader Yon-Rogg (Jude Law), is in the midst of a years-long intergalactic war between the Kree and the Skrulls. Vers suffers…
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Wonder Woman 1984: success, lies, and ambitious mistakes
After three years and numerous COVID-related delays, the long awaited sequel to the 2017 landmark hit film Wonder Woman has finally arrived. Due to circumstances beyond the filmmakers’ control, this film is being seen as a sort of…
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