Tag: Action
Arkansas Documents the Cyclical Nature of the Drug Trade

“What goes up, must come down.” “How you get them is how you lose them.” These two idioms are some of the most popular phrases that outline the laws of what bind human beings and not only our…
Read More »True History of the Miseducation of Ned Kelly

It’s no secret that our experiences as children play a pivotal role in who we eventually become as adults. Growing up in a well-adjusted home with attentive, caring parents can set a child off on a path toward…
Read More »Birds of Prey Uses Visual Flair and Great Performance to Deliver a Fun Time at the Movies

Breaking up is hard to do. After leaving a long-term relationship, forging a new identity separate and apart from a former partner can be daunting and tough to manage. For women, social constructs that often say her worth…
Read More »1917 Explores the Intersection of Duty and Heroism

What is it that makes a hero? Most people would agree that heroism requires displays of bravery and courage in the face of adversity that most people would shy away from, but does motivation matter when crowning someone…
Read More »The Rise of Skywalker Attempts to Use the Past to Make Us Forget the Past

“Always two there are; a master and an apprentice.” This established rule of the Sith order powered the dark side Force users for millennia until they destroyed both the Jedi order and the New Republic, taking over the…
Read More »A Jolt of Testosterone, Ford v Ferrari Pits Creatives Against Corporatists

There’s no business like show business. A famous phrase that is oft repeated with the last word often cited for emphasis. Show business. The struggle for creatives to overcome business interests and pressures in favor of their visions…
Read More »Our Film Favorites Return to Thrill Us, and Make Us Think, One Last Time in The Irishman

Perhaps I’m not the best critic to draft this particular review. The Irishman is the latest film from legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese returning to the genre that many casual filmgoers incorrectly associate him with, mafia gangster movies. In…
Read More »Don’t Let Go is Less than the Sum of Its Parts

They say that love conquers all and when you really love or feel loved by someone deeply, it can feel as if that statement is absolutely true. Losing a person you love is one of the hardest things…
Read More »John Wick 3: Parabellum is Chock Full of the Action We’ve Come to Love with Added Substance

John Wick 3: Parabellum begins immediately after the ending of John Wick 2 which saw the film franchise’s namesake guns down Santino D’Antonio (Riccardo Scamarcio), a member of the mysterious High Table, the shadowy council that oversees the…
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Both Thrilling and Funny, Ready or Not Cleverly Uses Satire to Examine the State of the World
When you turn on the TV these days, it feels as if the western world is caught in a giant game of tug of war. Millions of people seem poised and fired up to fundamentally change societies in…
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