Month: January 2020
Speed of Life Examines Love and Letting Go of Painful Pasts

Some say that it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. But often times lost love can linger like a storm cloud over a person’s life, impeding their ability to experience…
Read More »Top Performances of 2019

The Oscar nominations are set to be announced tomorrow morning so in advance of learning who the Academy thought were 2019’s best, we here at CinemaBabel thought we’d share with you our top picks for 2019’s best in…
Read More »1917 Explores the Intersection of Duty and Heroism

What is it that makes a hero? Most people would agree that heroism requires displays of bravery and courage in the face of adversity that most people would shy away from, but does motivation matter when crowning someone…
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Ana is a Charming, Funny, and Socially Relevant Surprise
What are the ties that bind? What is it that bonds people together, creating connections that will last a lifetime? Our lives intertwine for various reasons and often times, we find certain people right when we most need…
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